Areas of Focus

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  • Trauma (physical, emotional, cultural)

  • Recovery from Addiction (both process and substance)

  • Co-dependency and Family Recovery

  • Disordered Eating and Body Image Issues

  • Depression/Anxiety

  • OCD

  • Perfectionism

  • Professional/Cultural Pressures

  • Spiritual Emergence


We will work at your own pace, building trust, confidence and agency. Together we can uncover the patterns that are no longer serving you and create new choices and behaviors that bring you joy, vitality and a sense of wholeness.  By focusing on your strengths and resources, we will work to address the areas of your life that need improvement and find practical, goal-oriented solutions. 

I often teach and use tools in session that clients can then take out into their lives and utilize as they choose.  These include building awareness and mindfulness through meditation and breathing techniques, somatic based grounding and centering exercises, writing and expressive arts, and nervous-system based skills to self-regulate.

Yes, this means I give homework.  If you are a recovering overachiever/perfectionist, your homework will be not to do the homework.  My practices are both practical and at times, radical.  Building capacity to live in trust of yourself takes practice and patience.

I believe that by applying new strategies and skills in one area of your life, changes will ripple outward altering other areas of your life as well.


Growing up and coming of age in our turbulent modern world right now is so challenging.  With the onslaught and overexposure of technology, along with the pressures to perform and achieve, teenagers and young women are having a much harder time maintaining a healthy sense of self.  Teenage years are hard enough without these added layers of challenges.  And when a pandemic is added on top of that, a sense of separateness, anxiety and budding mental illness are at an all time high.

In addition to the clinical expertise I have in the areas listed above, ultimately, what I provide teens is a safe place to unburden all they are carrying and have been too afraid to share.  It is a privilege to support teens and young adults as they come into their own: their voices, their bodies and their fiery, dynamic, ‘I’m going to change the world’ selves.

Loved Ones

We do not heal in isolation.  Families, parents and spouses are a part of the healing process.  If you are a teenager or young adult living at home, I will talk to your parents periodically (with your permission).  If you are in a committed partnership, we will include your significant other in the therapeutic process to whatever degree is most supportive for your healing.

The family system (in its many varying configurations) is a vital component of the healing process and although our one on one work is private, intimate and concentrated on you, it has a ripple effect outward in the family system that is integral to lasting change.